Ingredient (7~8 chocolate cake bars)
+ 3 eggs, 70g sugar, 3ml vanilla extract, 70g cake flour, 7g cocoa powder, 20ml vegetable oil + 130g dark chocolate, 120ml warm cream, 250ml whipping cream + 300g dark chocolate, 1 tsp coconut oil, sprinkleCreate a sheet (use the 15 cm square frame to cut the heritage in the frame) 1) Crack 3 eggs and separate the yolks. Separate.
2) Whip the egg whites in a big bowl
3) Add in 70 grams of sugar gradually, little by little.
4) We divide the sugar three times and make a meringue with a slight horn
5) When the meringue is complete, preheat the oven to 170 degrees
6) Add egg yolks, along with 3ml of vanilla extract. Mix.
7) Strain 70 grams of cake flour, and 7 grams of cacao powder into the mixture. I know it's utterly hideous, but mix well.
8) Add 20ml of Veggie Oil. Mix again.
9) If the oil does not play separately and mix well, pour it into the prepared frame.
10) Pour in a pan, preferably square shaped.
11) Bake in a preheated oven for about 15 - 18 minutes.
12) Slice the sheet in two steps (about 1cm in height) and cut it a little smaller than the prepared frame 13) Cut off the crust and cut the remaining cake into a chocolate bar shape. Slowly melt down 130 grams of whatever chocolate you'd like.
1) Melt chocolate in hot water or microwave, heat 120ml melted chocolate.
2)Add 120 grams of Warm Fresh Cream to the melted chocolate and mix.
3) Put 250ml of whipping cream in a bowl.
4) Whip it up.
5) Add the Chocolate/Cream mixture to the whipping cream. Mix together.
6) If the hard chocolate cream is finished, put it in the sachet pocket.
7) Press the cream mixture into ice cream bar molds, and proceed to place the (cooled) cake into them. Cover the cake with cream and fill the mold completely.
8) Place in freezer for at least 5 hours to harden (1-2 hours if not silicone frame)
1) Remove the hard cake from the mold and insert the prepared stick (insert the silicon mold that can put the bar before putting it in beforehand)
2) Cut the cake to a good size (leave the cut cake in the freezer)
3) Put dark chocolate and coconut oil in a cup and melt it (microwave 20 seconds 2 times)
4) Melt with 20-30 second intervals.
5) Dip the chocolate in the freezer or sprinkle it on top. You can pipe the chocolate over the big ones. Sprinkles. 'Cuz why not? Keep all the cake in the refrigerator within 2 days It's done now. Eat it.
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