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Wet parrot

YouTube's 10 Best Cooking Channels

YouTube is a platform that every thing can be found easily. There are so many different channels that can be helpful for your problems or for enjoyment. I use YouTube to watch and learn more about cooking. There are so many good channels that can show you how to cook or decorate your cakes and baking. The food they make are delicious and beautiful. When I try to cook something that I have never made before I watch the videos while trying it. They explain how and why you should do something and even show you how it should look. I made a list of my favorite YouTubers that you should check and probably love. 10. The cookbook Mostly baking sweets and making soups. They all looks delicious and the recipes are very good to try. 9. J'adore자도르 Making the most colorful sweets. Every thing is beautiful and worth trying it at home. There are so many recipes to try. 8. Chocolate Cacao チョコレートカカオ Everything chocola...