Easy gummy candy recipe made with only 3 ingredients. Super easy to make at home even if you can't cook.
Every one will love them and you can even use them for parties and birthdays.
50 g granulated sugar
21 g gelatin ( 3 packages of 21 g each)
71 g water or flavored liquid
85 g corn syrup
Step 1
Combine the sugar, gelatin and water (flavored liquid) in a heat proof container. Stir gently to combine and let it sit for some minutes to give it time to bloom.
Step 2
Microwave it for 40 seconds and stir well. Microwave until you don't see any grain of gelatin and melted properly. After is melted well ad in the corn syrup and stir well to combine. Let it sit until an foam is created and collect it with a spoon.
Step 3
Put your mixture into your mold and let it chill for an hour before removing. They will be soft at first but let them dry in room temperature for a while.
Hope you enjoyed the recipe and tell us in the comments if it was easy or how did it go.

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